Lavender: The Secret Ingredient to Deep Restful Sleep
Is it a trend started by French royalty or proven treatment for sleep troubles? Either way, lavender aromatherapy pillows have helped countless people around the world enjoy a night of deep restful sleep. Aromatherapy has an exciting history that goes back centuries. The Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks, and French have all practiced various forms of aromatherapy. Although the use of aromatherapy for spiritual, religious, and medicinal purposes has never gone away entirely, there has definitely been a resurgence of use over the past decade.

Each year more Americans report trouble sleeping and look for an all-natural sleep aid. As a result, lavender use for sleep has become a popular and effective treatment in both eastern and western medicine. Lavender pillows, like Buckwheat Lavender Aromatherapy Pillows, filled with all-natural organic buckwheat hulls and aromatic French lavender buds, help users improve their quality of sleep and finally get the deep restful sleep they need.
So, what is it about a lavender pillow that can turn a night of tossing and turning into a night of blissful sleep? First, let’s look at what aromatherapy is all about!
What is aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a natural healing treatment using plant extracts to increase health and well-being and soothe the mind and body. Aromatherapy is a sub-therapy of Phytotherapy or commonly known as plant therapy. Essential oils or dried flowers, herbs, or trees like chamomile, lavender, lemon, and peppermint, are breathed in or applied to the skin. Each herb, flower, or plant has a different effect on the mind and body. Aromatherapy works by activating smell receptors, which send a message to your brain, activating specific areas that can impact your brain and body’s response. These substances may be inhaled (smelled), used as a massage oil, placed on the skin, or used in a diffuser, which has become increasingly popular over the past few years.

This form of holistic therapy is used to treat a multitude of conditions or simply ease the mind and body. Some popular uses include treatment for insomnia, reducing feelings of anxiety, relieving nausea, and reducing pain. Aromatherapy has become a very mainstream treatment, and many have incorporated it into their daily lives. That said, aromatherapy is by no means a new discovery. The effect certain aromas have on the body has been known for centuries!
History of aromatherapy
Aromatherapy has played a role in therapeutic, medicinal, spiritual, and ritualistic practices for centuries in multiple cultures worldwide.
Ancient Egyptians are believed to have been one of the first to discover the benefits of aromatherapy. They used a distillation machine that would extract oils from specific plants like clove, cedarwood, and cinnamon. These extracts were then used to embalm the dead. Thousands of years later, early in the 20th century, tombs were opened where they discovered traces of herbs with intact parts of the body, and the scents, though subtle, are said to have still been present. The Egyptians also used infused oils and dried herbs in their daily lives, and it’s believed that they ultimately discovered the concept of perfume. Men would place a fragrance dense perfume cone on their head, allowing it to melt down and cover them in natural aromas.
The Chinese have also been using aromatherapy for thousands of years. Burning incense and smelling various aromas were believed to create harmony and balance and have been incorporated into many spiritual and religious practices still used today.
Greek mythology focuses on aromas as well, with the gods having the knowledge of perfumes. The Greeks used essential oils and fragrant dried herbs for medicinal purposes. Hippocrates, who is still considered the father of medicine, believed to have dabbled in aromatherapy as the Greek’s believed fragrances had healing powers.
During the Black Death pandemic of the 14th century, it was believed that perfumers were protected from the plague as they were in constant contact with these aromas. Even today, as we navigate Covid-19, some people believe that certain essential oils can help keep them healthy. Although there is no scientific evidence to support that essential oils will prevent a person from contracting a coronavirus, it demonstrates how even centuries later, people still believe in the benefits of natural aroma and essential oils.
The modern-day understanding of aromatherapy emerged in 1937 when a French perfumer, René-Maurice Gattefossé, accidentally burned his hand in his lab and quickly dunked it in a pot of lavender. His hand healed quickly, without scarring, which he believed was because of the lavender. Later, a French surgeon named Jean Valnet would use essential oils as antiseptics when treating soldiers in World War II.
The use of essential oils and aromatherapy has truly transcended time. More and more people are going back to more holistic ways of healing was ails them, whether that be trouble sleeping, stress, or as a skin treatment. We now have years of science and studies backing many of the uses for aromatherapy, providing more people with a natural remedy for mind, body, and soul.
History of Lavender Use
Lavender has been used for over 2500 years. Romans would use lavender for cooking, bathing, and scenting the air and would carry it with them. It was used for its scent as well as to treat infections and heal wounds. The Romans, as well as Ancient Greeks, would also use lavender to treat insomnia and pain. Lavender has been used throughout history to ward off illnesses. In the 16th century, it was believed that lavender perfume could prevent cholera, and later in the 17th century, it was used to treat the Great Plague in London.
Today, we don’t use lavender to ward off a pandemic (although that would be super helpful right now!), but it is still widely used for its long list of benefits, primarily helping with sleep.
Benefits of Lavender
Lavender is one of the most popular plants used in aromatherapy. Why? Because of its incredible benefits! Just a few of the countless benefits include:
Reduces pain: Lavender is believed to reduce muscle, joint, and back pain. This is why it is commonly used as a massage oil! Lavender oil may also reduce the frequency of headaches and/or reduce the pain.
Treats Skin and Hair Conditions: Just as the French perfumer, René-Maurice Gattefossé believed, lavender has many healing properties that are good for our skin and hair. Lavender can help treat acne, eczema, wrinkles, scarring, burns, cuts, bug bites, and alopecia.
Reduces nausea and improve digestion: Lavender can be used to help with several intestinal and stomach issues such as nausea, pain, and diarrhea.
Reduces anxiety, stress, and depression: Some studies suggest that inhaling lavender aromas is as effective as anti-anxiety medications. A great deal of research has proven that lavender aromas reduce anxiety, stress, and depression and lower blood pressure, and increase feelings of serenity.
An effective sleep aid: In 2020, our lives are busy, often chaotic, and stressful. People are increasingly suffering from anxiety and insomnia as a result. Instead of taking traditional drugs and pharmaceuticals, people are turning to lavender aromatherapy. One of the common uses of lavender is to improve the quality of sleep. Lavender has been recommended to treat insomnia or sleep disorders for years. In many cultures and throughout history, people would stuff their pillows with lavender flowers to improve their quality of sleep. In Germany, lavender tea is an approved supplement to treat sleep disruptions. Lavender is also said to reduce headaches, pain, and restlessness. For individuals who wake up with headaches, incorporating lavender aromatherapy into their sleep routine can help prevent them.
Sleep and aromatherapy

Individuals who suffer from sleep difficulties, as well as their doctors, know that medical sleep aids are not a practical choice long term. Many doctors realize that mind-body therapies are best for consistently better sleep, and multiple research studies support this. A study was conducted in 2017 that compared aromatherapy with acupressure massage on sleep quality in women. The study concluded that aromatherapy was significantly more effective in improving sleep quality!
Lavender is the most prevalent aroma used for sleep. Sleep Doctor Michael J. Breus said lavender “is the most popular essential oil for sleep and relaxation among my patients, and my first general go-to recommendation for people looking to try aromatherapy for sleep. Lavender is a soothing scent that’s long been associated with relaxation and sleep and used as a natural remedy for anxiety.”
Another study, Effects of aromatherapy on sleep quality and anxiety of patients, found that lavender significantly increased quality of sleep and reduced levels of anxiety. The researchers concluded that lavender is a non-invasive, cheap, easy application, and cost-effective intervention. Lavender is an all-natural remedy to help people have a deep restful sleep.
And if I haven’t convinced you yet, here’s another study – in 2015, the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine published a study on sleep hygiene and lavender aromatherapy. The study found that college students reported a better night’s sleep when using lavender, and those who inhaled lavender at bedtime had more energy and vibrancy the following day!
Clearly, lavender helps you sleep – but how? There are different ways you can reap the benefits of aromatherapy at bedtime. The use of essential oils in a diffuser, placing some on your wrist and smelling it, or keeping dried lavender at your bedside can help. However, the most effective way to improve your sleep with lavender is by using a lavender aromatherapy pillow, like a Buckwheat Lavender Aromatherapy Pillow.
Buckwheat Lavender Aromatherapy Pillows
Lavender in pillows has a history of its own. Charles VI of France insisted that all of his pillows be filled with lavender, even his seat cushions! Asian traditional medicine also used lavender in pillows for its cooling and relaxing effects on the mind and body. The University of Maryland Medical Center said that pillows filled with lavender were traditionally used for those experiencing restless sleep as it helps reduce nervous system activity and provide a deep restful sleep. The traditional use of a lavender pillow involves using dried herbs in their natural form and stuffing the pillow with them. This method is all-natural and provides all the benefits of lavender aromatherapy.
Although a pillow exclusively filled with lavender could provide the benefits of lavender aromatherapy, it would not provide the support you need, and the smell could be too strong. A lavender-scented pillow that is lumpy, poor quality, and not supportive won’t offer the same benefits. Feeling calm but waking up with head, neck, and shoulder pain isn’t the goal here.
To have a great night’s sleep and feel rested when you wake up, you need a pillow that will provide support while simultaneously releasing soothing lavender aromas.
Buckwheat Lavender Aromatherapy Pillows can make the difference between a deep restful sleep or waking up feeling tired. Our Lavender Buckwheat Pillow contains 100% organic buckwheat hulls and soothing French lavender buds.

The lavender provides a sweet herb scent. With 2 – 3.5 cups (depending on the size of your pillow) of lavender buds, the scent is subtle enough not to be overwhelming but strong enough to provide the benefits of lavender aromatherapy. The buckwheat hulls are adjustable to your body and provide firm support and proper alignment required for quality sleep. Buckwheat Lavender Aromatherapy Pillows are guaranteed to lull you into a deep restful sleep.
If you suffer from difficulties sleeping, you are not alone. In fact, more than 50 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, and another 20-30 million experience troubles sleeping each year intermittently! Many Americans don’t want to take prescription sleep medications and various drugs, known for their troubling side-effects. Fortunately, there are alternatives. Lavender aromatherapy is an all-natural, effective, and budget-friendly way you can improve your quality of sleep. Using an all-natural pillow like Buckwheat Lavender Aromatherapy Pillows will provide you with a comfortable, supportive sleep as well as releasing natural lavender aromas to ease you into a deep restful sleep. You don’t need to struggle through another restless night again.